How to Make an Outline (Part 1)...

Ideas that have helped Mankind

        I.            What Helps Mankind.

a.       Growing in numbers
b.      Being better than animals
c.       Being happy
1.       Are we happier than other spices?
2.       Having multiple ways of enjoyment

     II.            What distinguishes man from animal

a.       Being intelligent
b.      Tending each other
c.       Affection for the social circle

   III.            What ideas have helped mankind

a.       Ideas that contributed to knowledge and technique
b.      Ideas that contribute to morals and politics

   IV.            How Knowledge and skills were developed

a.       Beginning of language
b.      Using fire.
c.       Training domestic animals.
d.      Starting agriculture
1.       Fertility rites in agriculture
2.       Fertility rites in industrialization
e.      The act of writing.

     V.            The Ideas of Historic Times

a.       Beginning of mathematics and astronomy
1.       Greek way of thinking and investigation
2.       Man-made goods
b.      Development in Mathematics
c.       Astronomy becoming Astrology
1.       Finding the purpose
2.       Classifying causes
d.      Advancement in understanding nature
1.       Newton’s theories
2.       Galileo’s ideas
e.      Separating ethical bias from Natural Laws
1.       Advancement in Geology
2.       Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
3.       Frustrated religious scientists
f.        The concept of Soul.
1.       Understanding human behavior.
2.       Role of government in shaping behaviors.

   VI.            The Ideas of moral nature

a.       Man’s nature: a mixture of good and evil
b.      Moral ideas: Being  subordinate to political developments
1.       Alexander’s Conquest of the East
2.       Romans’ idea of religion
c.       Equality, Liberty and Fraternity.
1.       Equality: a characteristic of the Orphic society
2.       Liberty: an evolving idea
3.       Liberty: developing different forms
d.      Representative form of government
1.       Training citizens
2.       Knowing the give-and-take.
e.      The Ideas of Law and government
1.       Government may exist without law
2.       War is a promoter of governmental power
3.       Essentials of democracy
4.       Free speech, free press and religious freedom

VII.            Suggestions.

a.       Formation of International government
b.      International may be oppressive but it is necessary.

VIII.            Conclusion


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