Sample Outline

Since there are no standard essays available in the market, I have taken up the responsibility of producing some for my students. Here is the outline of my first essay for your consideration. Do have a look to find out: What is an outline? Is it detailed? Do you get any idea about the content of the essay after glancing at the outline? Is outline a brief summary of the contents of your essay? How does outline serve as a road-map to the writer's knowledge of a concept? Don't forget to comment so that I can better understand your problems and guide you accordingly. 

Global Village: Learning to Live Together
                               I.            World: a well-connected place
a.       Shashi Tharoor’s debate at oxford
1.      Oxford Union: a Youtube channel
2.      Millions of subscribers
b.      A cyber community and market
1.      3.58 billion internet users
2.      2020: all the world will be online
                            II.            From greatest geographical discovery to greatest technological advancement
a.       Discovery of America
b.      Beginning of colonialism
1.      British Empire dividing the world
2.      Internet joining the world
c.       Bipolar world: Capitalism vs. Communism
1.      New world order
2.      Computing system
3.      Information Revolution
                         III.            Global Village better understanding humans
a.       Xenophobia: Fear of the foreigner
b.      Racial identity: Race does not matter
c.       Glocal Identity: Borders are of no consequences
1.      Uniting for the cause of humanity
2.      Disapproving crimes against humanity
                         IV.            Social (Media) movements
a.       Accessibility of smart phones
b.      Omnipotent internet
c.       Social media websites/ Apps
d.      Global response on local tragedies/incidents
1.      Stephen Hawking’s death
2.      Bhutto’s assassination
3.      Malala Yousafzai’s injury
4.      Right to education
                            V.            A world of possibilities
a.       e-learning: Books (e books and audio books) and lecture videos
b.      e-counseling :e-doctors and therapists
c.       e-banking
d.      e-shopping
e.       e-governance
                         VI.            An evolving community
a.       A possibility of interaction
1.      Services are subscribed
2.      Products are ordered
3.      Groups/Causes are joined
4.      Classes are attended
5.      Scholarships are attained
b.      Marshall McLuhan on Global Village
1.      An extended nervous system
2.      Social effects of Global Village
c.       The greatest causes of humanity
1.      The whole world goes online
2.      A world beyond class, colour and creed


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